A Fun Day Out With Friends

One of the funniest stories is when i met my gaming friends, thet was a while ago. They were all from different place, one lived in Arica and traveled by plane to Santiago, other from Valparaiso, Limache and Calera. We spent a year gettin to know each other on internet. Jose lives in Limache, he knows Fabian (Valaparaiso) and Rodrigo (Calera), they studied at the same institute, in Valparaiso, and Conny lives in Arica. 

We met at Jose's house in Limache, the truth is that to make a barbecue an drink, we also play video games, we had a great time and stayed like that for about three days.

At First my mom was scared because i was going to hang out whit "unknown" people, but everthing turned out well.

And the craziest thing is that Rodrigo and Conny are dating, and he lives in Arica now whit her.


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