Does architecture make the world a better place? - Post 5


Architecture has evolved since the beginning of mankind, and always with the aim of contributing to make the world a better place. Studying new construction techniques and materials for new buildings. 

But not only these physical aspects, but also much deeper aspects such as the "human being" in architecture, where this takes a fundamental role, or other aspects of architecture such as space, color, harmony, path, essence. With the latter in order that people feel more in tune with their environment, with their city, with their traditions, because it is not the same to live in Chile than in Taiwan, because the study of each of the above mentioned things is different.

In conclusion, yes, architecture makes the world better as long as it is "good architecture".

Meanwhile I continue learning, for me the important thing is to understand and develop a good work, a work for the community, that is sustainable, ecological, harmonious, where it develops and has a positive impact on people.


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